Saturday, February 14, 2009

[Insert cheesy annoucer voice] It's Sunday Sunday Sunday!

It's sweater Sunday again! I had a fun time today, since I needed a little "me time", and I got to do one of my favorite things, sweater hunting! As you can see, I found some ;)
I got some great patterns & colors, and
some cashmere (the top gray is 60% cashmere/40% wool, but felt he deserved to hang out with the 100% cashmere).

Here were some of the more fun & unusual ones I found... a felted merino argyle, a green lambswool with little balls down the arms & front, and a felted wool fair isle with little flowers & beautiful colors.

The trip wouldn't be complete without fun goodies for me! I found a great wool blanket, a quality pair of leather sandals that fit my size 11 boat feet, and an awesome purse. The purse is plain, but that's the appeal for me. I plan to embellish it, but i'm not sure with what... felted wool appliques? Scarf through the belt loops? Clip fun keychains to the loops? Any ideas?

Recycled wool hat week was so much fun, but all good things must come to an end ;) This week, starting tomorrow, will be recycled wool diaper cover week. You will be amazed at how cute & fabulous something so useful can be. Make sure to check back!

Happy Sunday all! :)


  1. Where on earth do you live that you can find loads of wool sweaters week after week? LOL Southern Arizona is definitely the wrong place for me!

  2. I live in the far west suburbs of Chicago. Home of cold weather, & revolving wardrobes! I believe it's a state law that everyone receives a sweater that they don't like every Christmas. Then it gets thrown into the donate pile when nobody's looking.

    I lived in Arizona for a few years. I don't recall wearing any wool sweaters while I was there ;)
