Thursday, April 9, 2009

Recycled wool pillow week - Sewing Geek & Lola Godiva

Since each of these uber talented ladies, only had 2 pillows each in their shops, I thought i'd feature both today.

First up is Lola Godiva's Etsy shop. She only has these 2 gorgeous pillows right now, but she's planning to launch a new series of recycled wool pillows in just a few weeks!

These beautiful wooly scenes can be found in Sewing Geek's Etsy shop. Aren't they fantastic? I love the tiny cardinal in the tree, and the falling snowflakes.


  1. Those are amazing! Love the cardinal, also!

  2. I know how much work goes into making these. She has a lot of time invested, they are lovely. She does great work.

  3. They are all so lovely. Looking forward to seeing the line she is launching.

  4. I had one of those sweaters in the pink pinwheel pillow! I just recently decided to felt it but haven't made anything with it yet :)

  5. If my blog doesn't inspire you to do something with it, nothing will ;)

  6. Nice one! Thanks for sharing with us ! Keep it up! Get more information about Wool Pillows.
