Monday, June 8, 2009

... and don't forget the worms

One more fun thing for kids... worms! So I use my tiny scraps from projects for stuffing in stuffed animals, pillows, etc., but what about the felted seams? Worms! My son can't wait for me to finish my projects, so I can make him more worms. I plan to bring a basket of them to pass out to children at the fiber festival in September.


  1. Ok ... the worms are so cute ... and Resweater Jr. is such a good 'worm daddy' ... he probably has each one named!

  2. Lol, you remember that? For those saying "huh?" my son carried away some worms (real ones) when I was gardening one day. I overheard him telling them "It's ok. I'll be your worm daddy. Here is your new dirt home."

  3. I listen to your stories! He's like the cutest.kid.ever!

  4. Not any cuter than Lubbock! :)
