Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas gifts I made - wreath ornaments

These were not only a great way to get rid of small scraps, but my son made some with me, so I loved making these! Jack made 3, one for each of his 2 teachers, and one he kept for himself. He got such a kick out of "sewing" these himself with a real needle, and he picked out each piece himself. I had to tie them in a circle for him & add the hanging loops, but he strung them all himself! I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of the ones he made for his teachers, but the orange & red one below is the one he made for himself with his favorite colors :)


  1. Love the wreaths! We made a similar garland for the tree, and the kid helped... so fun to watch them work!

  2. Brilliant idea to do with the kids! My granddaughter will love it -- she like to "needle" with me.

  3. I was actually surprised he wanted to! My son is the anti-craft :(

  4. What a great scrap idea! I am definitely going to borrow that one, as my daughter (almost 4) is always wanting to sew with me. This is definitely something she could do. Thanks.

  5. I made these too! They were lovely, and incredibly well received!

  6. Awesome blog! I highlighted you at mine.....

    A Jelly Girl

    Can't wait to see what you come with next :)


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  9. Hi,

    Great post! I love this idea, its nice and simple and looks great too.

    Hey, can I put this idea on my blog? I'm making a list of best recycled Christmas gifts and decorations. I'll link back to your blog post underneath the list item. Thanks!

    Here's the blog where I'll post the list article:
