Sunday, December 13, 2009

No sweater Sunday?

Every Sunday I post the week's finds (most usually found on Sunday), but today I am taking the day off. It's been a long week, and we just had a super fun day yesterday cutting down our tree at a tree farm with our family, so today I will be spending time with my family decorating that tree. I'll still be listing sweaters in my shop this week that I got in previous weeks.

Even though there are no sweaters to blog about, I still wish you all a happy Sweater Sunday!


  1. I'll bet that will be a beautiful tree! I've only had a "cut it yourself" tree a couple of times when we lived in CO. And then it was straight from the forest, not a tree farm!! Ah, memories.

    Have a wonderful Christmas holiday!


  2. merry christmas! enjoy your family. can't wait to see your tree wearing it's wooly garland!

  3. Lol, would you believe that there isn't a single wool thing on the tree? I have been so busy making ornaments and presents for everyone else that I neglected my own tree! I did make a garland for a doorway.
