Thursday, March 25, 2010

Off Topic Thursday - Me & my shadow

I was at the park earlier in the week and snapped this picture. I don't know why, but I really like it... minus the looking wider part because of the angle of course ;) . Maybe it's because it's something different. Maybe it's that I never get pics of Jack & me together, because i'm always the one taking pictures. Maybe it's just a good memory of a good day :)


  1. I like it too. I'll have to try it.

  2. I have a picture like this that I took in my high school photography class. I used it for my self portrait! Shadow pictures are way fun :)

  3. yes! I love the shadow shot. I'm also a big fan of the left arm way out, camera facing back at you (and j!) I recently discovered that my husband was taking a lot of these with f and thought, why not me too?

  4. it's the cute way your child is looking up at you...very sweet. Def one to keep!

  5. it's the way he's looking up at you...admiringly...really nice shot !
