Thursday, May 13, 2010

Off Topic Thursday - a green tip!

We just recently celebrated Earth Day, and we all hear the same stuff over & over... use reusable bags, use florescent light bulbs, and use cloth instead of paper products. Here's a huge tip that I never have seen or heard anywhere, but will keep huge amounts of plastic out of our landfills, reduce mosquitoes around your home, make your yard look better, and save you money....

Put away the yard toys when the kids are done playing with them!

- How does this save huge amounts of plastic from the landfill?

Sunlight & weather destroys toys over time, and they end up in the landfill instead of another home... or 20! A sturdy plastic toy should be able to last for decades, but some don't last through one family when they are left out in the elements for years. It is also earth friendly, because the more toys that are able to be passed on, the less new toys are being manufactured. It's all about less waste!

- How does this reduce mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Toys left in the rain hold water.

- How does this save me money?

If you keep those toys put away in between uses, they will stay in great condition and hold their resale value. There's always someone willing to pay good money for a gently used brightly colored Cozy Coupe car with all it's decals, but the faded cracked water filled ones? Not so much.

See the crab pool in the picture above? I took this from the curbside on garbage day about 15 years ago, and it looks the same now as it did then because I keep it in the shed when we aren't using it. I am hoping that it will go on to many more families after we are done with it.

At first, when my son was tiny, it was a little annoying to put away the toys after every use, but now at 4, he automatically puts them away out of habit. For ease & convenience, we have a small shed in the backyard, where we keep all the toys and gardening supplies.


  1. Wonderful tips!!! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend ;-)

  2. Yes!! Plus it keeps the yard from looking junky! We have a big outdoor storage box that my girls put all the toys in. Great tip!

  3. What a great idea....not obvious, but makes perfect sense.

    It reminds me of my father getting on my case when I was a teenager to UNTIE my shoes before I pried them off my feet...saying they needed to last as long as possible. It's a good concept for all of our throw-away society.

  4. I love what you have taught your son! and that pool is cute too, we found our wheelbarrow the same way...local recycling!

  5. Awesome Tip!!! Thank you. Our city just had their first "bulky item" pick-up of the yard and there were SO many kids products being thrown's sad.
