Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's Sweater Sunday! ... and some Resweater updates

My thrift stores are starting to carry sweaters again!!! That combined with a city wide garage sale this weekend, and my stock is booming again! I will be listing some mystery lots shortly. What are mystery lots? I offer lots of sweaters in my shop, that I choose, in a similar theme or fiber, for a discounted price. For example, I might have a cloth diapering mystery lot with all soft 100% wools, or a lot of just lambswool. It depends on what I have a lot of at the moment. Why do I do this? It saves me oodles of time to not have to take pictures & list the individual sweaters, while saving you oodles of money! You are more than welcome to make requests, but I only have what I have, so please understand that it is not a totally custom lot.

Whew, it has been, and still is, a busy summer! So sorry I have been neglecting my blog here, but my son will be starting school in 2 1/2 weeks, and I will be blogging full force again soon.

I have created a new winter hat that I love, and will be posting a tutorial for that soon. I have also created a few more designs for my diaper covers that I hope to post soon too.

On with the sweaters! Here's the wool & wool blends...

the merinos...

the cashmere...

some stripes...

a couple of fair isles...

a merino argyle, a embroidered merino, and a pretty floral lambswool blend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Just popped over from Art-Felt to take a look(I joined to-day). What clever ideas you have here. I look forward to seeing what else you do with recycled sweaters.
