Monday, September 20, 2010

Totally off topic, but my house is a mess!

Here I am, on a Monday morning, feeling a little overwhelmed by the clutter in my house. I am not a dirty person, and I guess I can't be too bad since several people have told me how uncluttered and organized I am, but lately it's been overwhelming. I've been busy, we've all been busy, and the house has suffered. I'd like to say that it's Jack's toys that are all over, but the dang kid is so organized! It's mostly me and my stuff... mail I haven't sorted, coupons I haven't clipped, sweaters I haven't sorted, and don't get me started on my sewing area! Of course when things are cluttered the actual cleaning takes longer, so it's a vicious cycle. When it gets like this, I get overwhelmed and shut down, and of course it doesn't get better on it's own.

I have devised a little challenge for myself, that I will do this week. I wrote the name of each room on slips of paper, folded them in half, and threw them in a hat. On each slip is a room/area in my house. I am committing to cleaning/organizing each area for 10 minutes each day. I will pick a room/area at random whenever I have a spare 10 minutes, and that is what I will work on. Committing to cleaning a whole room, competing an entire task, or even a block of time, can be overwhelming, but this system isn't at all (at least for me). Since my husband works full time, I am going to ask him to pick 1 slip each night. How can he argue with only 10 minutes of housework, right?

Want to join me on my challenge? I will report back next week with the results (hopefully a clean house!).


  1. Great idea! It's always easier to work in little pockets of time! (Says she who does little housework!)

    Yesterday my hubby cleared and cleaned the coffee table (glass). What a difference! Of course, now I have to go through my stuff from that table...

    Good luck!

  2. My sister and I used to clean our room in a similar fashion. We'd write down all the categories of crap in the room. Thrown them in a hat, then turn on the radio. Each time a song started, we'd draw a slip of paper and pick that up. Sometimes it was "clothes" ... sucky job. Sometimes it was "the pink piece of paper." One of my favorite silly memories growing up. How sick is that ... a good memory of cleaning!

  3. Right here with you! I cleaned up my sewing area over the weekend, even had to buy more bins cause the wool had overflowed into every other room! We homeschool and just started with preschool and tot school so that is a monster of paper & goodies strung everywhere. Hubby washed the dishes to help but it didnt last long.:( I have piles everywhere that just want to make me scream! Laundry...hahahha! Not going there!

  4. I love that idea. Thanks for sharing!

  5. great idea-love it! Home life can get sooo crazy and out of sorts! House was good, no so! Dishes just make such a mess, don't they?!?!

  6. Cute! I'm right there with you, it's never ending!!!
