Saturday, October 2, 2010

Resweater Mitten Doublers

I am going to be selling at a couple of local craft shows in November, and one of the things I will be selling for the first time is mittens. I gave them out as gifts to friends last year, but never sold them until now. Whenever I sell something new, or make something new, I always ask my friends lots of questions & get their opinions. On the mittens, I asked if they should be lined or have a second layer. One friend said she would definitely not buy mittens unless they were super thick double layer. Other friends said they liked the single layer, and the double layer would make their hands sweat. Some said it depended on the day & activity they needed them for. Hmmmm. I walked away even more confused. Should I line them all, line none of them, make both? Then I came up with the idea for a removable lining... Mitten Doublers! For those who don't want a second layer at all, they are fine as is. For those who want a second layer, or the option of a second layer, can purchase the Mitten Doublers. You can leave them inside the mittens, or take them out as needed. What do you think?

Mitten Doubler & Mitten Doubler inside of mitten:

Sorry for the awful pictures, but I didn't want to wait for better lighting this morning.


  1. I think that's a fine idea you have for making convertible mittens. I have made a mitten that's much like yours from a pattern that has the thumb just like yours. Those mittens were lined with polar fleece and the felted sweater wool was on the outide. The cuff was sewn to both so they did stay attached. I like your idea too of keeping the lining detached.

  2. Brilliant idea! I made myself mittens last year and found them to be too warm with the second layer. Guess it depends on how thick the sweater got when it was felted.

  3. The ones I make are lined. I either use fleece or a cashmere for the lined layer. I prefer the cashmere since it "breathes" and the fleece just make my hands sweaty. I've done some attached and some together.

  4. I think the doublers are genius! Most of the time I don't need much warmth, just protection from the steering wheel on my way to work. When we really do get cold weather, it would be great to have another layer.
