Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's What I've Been Working on Wednesday!

I finally finished my grandma's throw blanket, after much frustration. I probably shouldn't have tried something for the first time, while learning a new machine, but it's done, and on it's way to Grandma!

I also finished a cashmere girl/doll hat set for one of my nieces. The colors look so much better in real life... chocolate brown & baby blue. I made sure the doll one was stretchy, so whether she puts it on a baby doll...

or a girl doll...

it should fit!

So, what have you been working on this week? Feel free to show off your finished projects on my Facebook page!

ETA: I found a tiny hole in one of the blanket pieces, that I failed to notice before incorporating it in, so I made a monogram over it to repair/hide it.


  1. Those colors (in the blanket) are exactly what I'll be going for when I make a cashmere blanket for both my older boys! :) They have a camo themed room and I think those colors will go nicely!

  2. Love your blanket! I just made my first one for my son for Christmas. Fun I'm ready to make more!
