Friday, April 1, 2011

Feature Friday - Make it & Love It blog

ETA: I hope by now that everyone has realized that this post was an April Fool's Day joke, and I haven't completely lost my mind (not yet, anyway!) :)

I haven't done a Feature Friday in a long time, but I just love this blog, Make It And Love It! My bathroom was looking a bit drab, so when I came across her tutorial for seat tassels I had to make some for my own in wool!

Aren't they lovely?

I hope everyone is having a lovely April Fool's Day!


  1. You had me...for a second! Love it!

  2. haha! for a second there i thought you were losing it ;)

  3. Glad I read the comments. I thought "ewwwwww"!

  4. I hope nobody thinks that's for real! I might have to highlight the words "happy April Fool's Day", so nobody thinks i've completely lost it, lol!

  5. So funny! You totally had me! I was thinking they'd be covered in pee in my house with my boys! LOL

  6. What a great idea! Wool on a toilet seat. Excellent. ;)

  7. I was just getting ready to post this on facebook as a "what were they thinking"!

  8. Love it! Maybe I'll make some and see if anyone in my house thinks of April Fools. I'm afraid my dear husband would think it was just another of my crazy ideas. It would give the boys a handle so they could lift the seat....
