Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's What I've Been Working on Wednesday!

I apologize that there wasn't a tutorial yesterday, and that things will be slowing down a bit on my blog, while my life starts to speed up for the season. What have I been working on this week? Spring cleaning, decluttering, readying for a garage sale, switching clothes seasons over in our closets, my garden, running more to prepare for spring races, mending stuff, bike rides, cooking in large batches, and all the regular day to day. Whew! What haven't I been working on? Since i'll be running more, I made myself a pair of running shorts. They look great on!

Since I only used the body of the sweater to make them, I made my son a pair from the sleeves, and used the collar of the sweater as the waist band. He needed some since he's been jogging with me now!

I hit my repair pile and patched a hole in one of my son's jeans, and turned it into the "destroyed" look that is popular. I blogged a tutorial on that a while back.

In that same repair pile was the cashmere cardigan that I altered and blogged about here. It had a hole by one armpit that I never got around too. Since I only wear the sweater for stuff like running errands, I didn't need to get fancy with the repair, so I just quickly hand sewed it up. It looks good, unless you look really close, so if you run into me at the grocery store wearing this sweater, please don't stare at my armpit. :)

Since my son went through a recent growth spurt, we hit the thrift store this week, and while I was there I found this treasure... a handmade knit & felted bag!

Don't worry, original knitter of this bag, it is in the right hands now, being fully appreciated! ;)

What have you been working on? As always, feel free to post your recycled wool finished projects to my Facebook page.


  1. This bag is adorable!! Who could give it up?? It was likely a steal at the thrift store. I am jealous...

  2. Love the felted bag! My mom has made several for me! What a treasure!

  3. I love the bag. I am amazed someone gave it up! It is in the right hands now :)

  4. Love the bag - I need to make something like it! As soon as I download pics from my camera, I have a quilt and a cute little turtle to post (all from recycled sweaters).

  5. Munch, I can't wait to see the turtle & quilt!

  6. If you use a darning foot on your sewing machine when mending jeans, you don't have to open the side-seam.
    I have a tutorial here:

    Best wishes from Sol

  7. Thanks! I'll have to find out what a darning foot is!
