Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's What I've Been Working on Wednesday - a pillow

My husband was out of town this week, so I didn't get much sewing done. I did make this pillow (I swear my pillows aren't as wonkily shaped as they seem from my pictures!) before he left. My husband quickly claimed the pillow for our family room, and since he usually is unimpressed with my projects, I decided to let him keep it ;). I like it too. Red wing blackbirds are my favorite birds :).


  1. This is just fabulous! Redwing blackbirds always remind me of the height of summer. I'd love to see your take on a set of pillows, one for each season, with a different bird and plant on each one.

  2. Thanks! I have a couple more redwing blackbird pillows to go (I have some of the pieces cut out), and I will be trying cardinals & blue jays next, because my son requested them :) That's a great idea with the seasons!

  3. Oh WOW! I really, really love this!

  4. Thank you! I start to doubt my work after a while, so it's comments like this that keep me going :)

  5. Don't doubt your work. This is absolutely gorgeous! You should offer up some PDFs with cutout patterns so we can have a pillow sew-along with you!

  6. LOVE the pillow!!! and totally love that your husband claimed it :^)

  7. You are all so sweet!

    Maggie, i'd love to make PDFs, but I don't know how. I mostly just wing it with my appliques, but it's a good idea to make something like that.

  8. I love redwing blackbirds...and cat-tails! I can't tell though, are the stems of the cat-tails wool, or is that just stitching?

  9. Thanks! The stems are wool, but they are stitched on.

  10. This is gorgeous! I might have to try and make one, my daughter is bird mad so would love it!

  11. Alison, You should try it! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I Googled "red winged blackbirds on cattails" & "cattails", and clicked on images, to get inspiration on colors, positioning, etc.

  12. That is lovely....nice job!

  13. Awesome pillow! Especially love your banner! Amy
