Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's What I've Been Working on Wednesday!

We just celebrated a birthday for my sister in law that I love, and I made her this pillow. She loves Noah's Ark, so Noah's Ark it was! Here it is flat, so you can see it better.

Don't ever expect me to duplicate this one, lol! It took a lot of work, but luckily my husband helped me on this one by making some of the patterns for me (the ark, the giraffe), and brainstorming with me on the rest.

I was pretty happy with how it turned out! The birds & elephants got wonky on me, because they moved while I was sewing them on, but that was the worst of it. I didn't have a big enough blue piece to go across the bottom, so I thought it would be ok if it had a seam. I was wrong. It looked terrible. The whale is covering the seam :).

I have also been making dryer balls over the last few weeks. I like to work on them while I watch tv in bed at night (yes, I watch tv & sew in bed) They were in various stages, so I completed them. If you are interested in purchasing any, I sell them here.

I finished a diaper cover that I had cut the pieces for months ago, but just never got around to sewing.

I made one patterned pillow. I just love this pattern!

I think that's it for this week! What have you been working on? As always, feel free to post your finished recycled wool projects on my Facebook page!


  1. Hi, I was wondering if you could share more about the applique technique you used? I can see it's a zigzag stitch; did you just cut the felt pieces, pin them to the backing, & then sew? Did you iron any facing on the back of them before sewing them down? Baste them down to hold in place? Any particular issues with sewing zigzag on thick slightly stretchy knits? I'm working on a similar applique project right now & it's really challenging & time-consuming! :-) thanks, Emily M.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! You should be proud!

  3. I watch tv and sew in bed as well! My husband sometimes gets nervous I'm going to accidentally poke him with my needle.

  4. I also forgot to say: the pillow is absolutely adorable and I hope my project turns out half as well!! (Also, one more question - did you have to steam block it with the iron after you finished sewing?) Thanks, Emily

  5. Thanks everyone! You are too kind! :)

    Marla, I'm so glad i'm not alone! :)

    Anonymous, I just cut out the shapes, and zigzag stitch them on. I used to use a straight stitch when that was all I had, but now I have (and love) the zigzag! They do move around on me a bit, especially the stretchy pieces, but I guess i've gotten used to it, and can control it... other than those poor wonky red birds that is, lol. I don't try to pin them in place anymore, because I just end up poking myself, and they still end up moving around. Up until now, I haven't ironed any of the pillows i've made, but I did steam iron this one, because of all the stitching it was a little wonky.

  6. Thank you for sharing your work. I feel inspired. Again.

  7. What an awesome Noah's Ark pillow!!! Looks great!!!

  8. The dryer balls would be such fun to play with. Can you imagine children outside just throwing them like snowballs at each other!? Crazy fun. LOVE your Noah's Ark pillow. So adorable. You are amazing with your busy bee-ness getting all these projects done.

  9. Thanks so much!

    Janda, I think children would have concussions if they were throwing my dryer balls at each other, lol. They weigh over 8 oz. each! They are fun though. All my friends reported back that their babies keep stealing them out of the dryer :). I'm trying hard to keep the pile of unfinished work & scraps going down. Knowing that I have "What I'm Working on Wednesday" coming each week keeps me sewing!

  10. The Noah's Ark pillow is really fantastic! I'm a nut about Noah's Ark things. I love how the lion's mane turned out--very clever. Your sister in law is really lucky to be the recipient of your labor of love!
