Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's What I've Been Working on Wednesday!

Since my fitted table cloth from last week went over so well in our house, I made another one! I bought this cute cowboy print (Alexander Henry "Buckaroos", in case you wanted to know) at a garage sale a few years back, intending to make something fun for Jack's room, but he never went through a cowboy phase, and I never could think of something cute to make with it. It is perfect as a kitchy kitchen accessory though! It has been a fun conversation piece at meal times, with my son reading, and laughing at, the names of the cowboys.

I had some of the fabric left over, so I made napkins to go with! This is my first time making napkins, so i'm rather proud of the fact they are the same shape I intended them to be ;). For some reason, it really delighted my son to have napkins that matched that tablecloth, so I was happy to oblige.

So sorry there was no wool in my post this week. I'll work on something wool this week... I promise!

ps. I see some recycled wool projects incorporating crocheting in my future! My son has been asking for knitting lessons for a while now, and I haven't been able to find any, but some classes became available at my local Joann Fabrics. I was going to sign us up for knitting, but the woman suggested crocheting, because it is easier to learn. I signed us up & bought the supplies! I have never knit or crocheted... is it really easier to crochet?

So, what have you been working on?


  1. I have just started knitting! My mom and grandma always knitted so I thought it was about time I learned (actually Mom had showed me how when I was little, but I got bored after only a 3"x4" square). I am really excited to try to felt some of the things I am knitting. I have one thing about finished, so maybe that will be a weekend project. Of course I may end up ruining my nice knitting, but it will be a fun experiment. I will post pictures on my blog or facebook page.


  2. A friend of mine is trying to teach me to crochet (she says it's easier than knitting...) but we've only had time for 1 lesson. Maybe now that the pool is open and we can go dump the kids in it to play we can sit on the side and practice... :)

    PS - I've been wanting to do a fitted tablecloth since you mentioned it last week and I LOVE the matching napkin idea. Did you just hem a square or did you sew two pieces together to make the napkins thicker??? (turned and topstitched?)

  3. I can crochet and knit, although I've only knit a few items. Crochet is easier in my opinion, and it works up a lot faster. Also, there is only one hook to worry about, versus two (or more) needles, plus the yarn to wrangle. Crochet would definitely be easier for smaller hands!

    Love the matching tablecloth and napkins. I've had napkins on my "list" for a year now, but still haven't done them yet. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Crocheting is so much easier and faster! You can make different structures much more easily, although I think there are more stitch types to learn. I happen to like the neat look of knitting much more though.

  5. Thanks for the input, everyone! It looks like I made a good decision on starting him with crocheting. We may try knitting next!

    Tony, that sounds like fun! I'll have to check out your project.

    Kimberly, I sewed 2 squares together, right sides in, leaving an opening, so I could turn it right side out. Then I sewed the small opening shut. I then did a zig-zag stitch around the edges. I also did a zig-zag stitch down the middle and across, so it makes it easier to fold. It sounds like a lot of work, but it probably took me 20 minutes to make all 4 of them, and they won't fall apart with the repeated washings they will get.

  6. Only dealing with one needle is a serious advantage with crochet. Another one that people often overlook is the fixing of errors: crochet can be unraveled by ANYONE. Undoing mistakes in knitting is far more difficult.

    Unfortunately, most of the really beautiful, detailed designs I see out there are for knitting, but I doubt your son will want to make an afghan, socks, or fitted item right away.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think crochet is much easier than knitting. It's a great way to start creating with yarn. Knitting is nicer looking for some things, but afghan squares would be a good first mom and son project.
    I have a bunch of cloth napkins made from lots of different fabrics. It's fun to see which one you get when you open the drawer. I'll never go back to paper.

  9. Good, crochet it is! I love cloth napkins too. We've been using cloth for quite a while, but i've used store bought ones. It was nice to know that I can make my own.

  10. Thanks for the cute kiddo comment :) I saw a fitted tablecloth online a couple weeks ago and pinned it and have been wanting to make one too. I love the cowboy fabric :) I have a bunch of thrifted cowboy decorations, because whether this bun in the oven likes it or not, he's going to have a cowboy-decorated bedroom in a few years!
