Saturday, December 31, 2011

Some Resweater randomness

See this sweater? It is a blend. I bought this to wear, and since it had a really low wool content, I threw it in with a load of laundry, and washed it on "cool". It came out lightly felted, like a merino usually does after a hot wash! Since I could no longer wear it, I was curious to see if it would fully felt, so I through it in with the next hot load. This is the results... the sweater underneath is the same size the gray one started out. My 6 year old couldn't fit into it now.

How much wool content, you ask?

Yep, 30%. Isn't that crazy? This is why I laugh when I see tutorials that say "you must use 100% wool or it will not felt". Granted, this is an unusual result for such a low content, but higher wool content blends (I only sell 70% & higher wool content blends) are pretty predictable felters.

On a completely unrelated note... I found this at the grocery store the other day, and had to try it.

It kinda tastes like an ugly sweater too ;).


  1. Bahahahaha! I'd have to try the coffee just based on the name, too. : )

  2. I've learned to never trust a label about fiber content or size! The other day I bought 2 men's cotton sweaters from the same designer, the same label inside, same fiber content. One said Medium, the other XL. I compared them one on top of the other, they were exactly the same size! ugh.

  3. That is hilarious! Wish there was a wool crystal ball when out thrift shopping for sweaters to know which would do this, huh? :) And that bag of coffee just cracks me up. (As does your review of it.) Happy New Year!

  4. Do you think the rayon was also 'felting' along with the wool? Seems like rayons can do funky things in the wash if you are not careful.

  5. I actually laughed out loud when I saw the coffee :p.

    wintunancy, that was my first too... that it had to be something with the rayon. After a little Googling, I found that rayon does shrink, but only a tiny bit... like cotton. It can get a little funny looking when washed, but this was felted (or fulled, to use the correct term)! I rarely get 100% wools to felt this much after only one hot wash.

  6. The ugly sweater coffee is a riot! If I ever see it in a store around here I'll have to try it even if it does fast like an old sweater.

  7. From personal experience, I would definitely say it was the Rayon. I stupidly washed a great, expensive knee length rayon dress years ago. The skirt ended up at least six inches shorter as did the arms. I think I may have cried as I had only worn it the one time! : (

  8. lol,how funny! and what a great infant sweater! lol looks like it might fit a baby. wow,cant believe it shrank THAT much!
