Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's Tutorial Tuesday! Play food!

We keep our fruit in a pretty colander I found at a garage sale, and I think it looks great...

except when it's empty....

Then it just looks like a colander on the table. I think I will make some felt food to fill it, for the times we are out of fruit (ok, we are never really out of fruit, because we keep a lot in the fridge too, but that's beside the point). Maybe you have a fruit bowl to fill, or some little ones that would love some new play food.

I found all these great tutorials over at the While Wearing Heels blog. While she uses craft felt for hers, you can always use recycled sweater felt in it's place. I recommend using Merino wool sweaters, but most sweater felt will be fine.

Are you inspired now? I am... as well as a bit hungry ;)


  1. I am beyond flattered to be featured on your lovely blog. I have never thought of using recycled wool before. You may change the future of my 'I heart fake food' tutorials. You just made my day!

  2. I am beyond flattered that you are beyond flattered, lol! Thank you for all your fun ideas!

  3. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while, but I never thought of doing corn! I even bought an orange sweater to make some carrots out of, but I ended up wearing it instead.
