Sunday, December 15, 2013

The last craft show!

My last craft show went well. I didn't sell nearly as much as I was hoping for, but I did well, considering the low turnout. It was snowing during the whole show, and I think people were just not willing to venture out. Oh, well! I still had a lot of fun :). My craft show neighbors were all so fun to talk to, and a friend brought me lunch and hung out with me for a while (thanks, Brooke!)

 One of my craft show neighbors, Cara (the one on the right), of 23 Bins, makes and sells these wonderful recycled wool tunics, and tops. She is so fun and cool!

She doesn't sell them online, but if you are local, and want to contact her about her next show/shows, you can email her. I don't want to post her email here, so she doesn't get spam, but contact me if you want her email.

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