Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Resweater giveaway - hat or sweater!

I am so sorry i've been neglecting my blog, (and will be until after my show on Saturday) so I decided to have a giveaway in the meantime! I will be giving away any 1 sweater from my shop (or even in my inventory, if you have a specific color in mind that I don't have listed), or one of my funky hats (pick from what I have or i'll make one in your favorite colors)... your choice!

Ready for the details?

Mandatory Entry:
* Tell me what your favorite recycled wool things are!
Want extra entries?
* Follow my blog, and if you already do just say that.
* Blog about this giveaway & link to it.

Make sure to leave a separate comment for the entries you complete!

Deadline: Sunday, November 14th at midnight, Central time zone. I will use random.org to pick the winners the following morning (November 15th). **please leave an email if your blogger profile does not include it or you don't have a blog. I need a way to contact you.** Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and the winner will have 48 hours to reply back before I draw a new winner.

Good luck!


Karen said...

It seems a bit like i'm jinxing myself by being the first commenter, but here i am anyways.

My favorite thing so far is mittens, but i've only just started making things, and leg warmers are next on my list.

Jen said...

my favorites are froggables - cheap yarn! :)

Jen said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I love the longies, and the tissue holder! Pretty much all of your tutorials are my favs!
Love your blog!

LazyTcrochet said...

I like making bags or mittens. I can't decide which is my favorite. It depends a lot on the sweater!

Anonymous said...

Diaper covers of any sort. Purses!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog

Morgan said...

Fav recycled wool things are definitely mittens. They just don't get any warmer!

Morgan said...

And I follow your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I've made hats and purses, and what I call boot socks and bracelet baskets from wool sweaters. But my favorite thing to make from wool sweaters is scarves--the longer, the better! And you can make 'em pretty darn long even with a medium size sweater. Love to experiment.

Best of luck at your show!

Jenny said...

I have to have a *favorite* recycled wool thing??? Aaaargh. I love longies.... and hats... and mittens... and froggable sweaters for socks... and

Jenny said...

...and I follow your blog!

Ruth said...

So far my favorite thing is wool longies for my kiddos.

Ruth said...

I follow your blog.

cheapdate said...

I think the hats are adorable. I need to figure out a pattern I like for the mittens. and then those will be my favorite.


Zaira said...

Wool longies are my fave right now. I need to branch out!

Zaira said...

I also follow your blog

zaira @ nature-nurture-online.com

nicwdotave said...

My favorite is my new wool soakers from you!

nicwdotave said...

I follow your blog!

turnupgreen or t.u.g.. said...

I would have to say Hat and Mitten sets, I love all the colors and textures. Scarves are great, too.

Celeste said...

My favorite thing is mittens and hats.

Celeste said...

I follow your blog.

Megan said...

I'd like to try diaper covers since we use cloth diapers, but the running pants you made recently are also tempting.


Megan said...

I follow your blog, how could I resist?


molli said...

Right now, longies; hope to get into mittens soon, as it's getting cooler!

mollig at roadrunner dot com

Kim Reid said...

My favorites are sweaters to recycle into yarn to knit or crochet various wearables :)
I'd love to enter - Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Kim Reid said...

I am a follower - Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Joan and Kevin said...

My favorite thing is mittens.

Crystal said...

My favorite recycled item is a good old diaper cover (wool soaker or longie).

Crystal said...

I follow your blog. :O) And *love* it!

mamaTAVE said...

One of my students wore a wool skirt her mother pieced together from felted bits... I really want to try that; it was so cute and cozy!

mamaTAVE said...

Also, I am a follower.

Wool garden said...

Just wanted to let you know that I"m been following you for a while and enjoy your site. I've recently started a selling blog myself and have added you to my list of favorite blogs.

Taryn said...

I make wool soakers, shorties, longies, and skirties and sell them in my etsy shop. I also frog sweaters for awesome yarn:)

Taryn said...

I follow you.

scody said...

So far I've tried longies and a hat (slightly lumpy). Moving onto mittens soon I think. I'm new to this hobby but loving it!

scody said...

Been following your blog for a few months now and loving it!

Umatji said...

I just made a recycled wool blanket skirt which i am pretty happy with - too bad it is summer here now! I also love wrist warmers and hats and little vests for little boys.
all good!

sallymandy said...

My favorite thing to make out of recycled sweaters is armwarmers. I sell them in my Etsy shop. I also like to re-make sweaters out of sweaters!

sallymandy said...

I just re-posted about your giveaway on my Facebook page!

Unknown said...

cashmere is always my favorite - I made cashmere lined mittens for myself last winter, so deluxe! Maybe I will have time to make some for gifts this year (probably the week before christmas!).

Unknown said...

and I'm a faithful follower!

Hannah said...

I do love the mittens! But I've also been in love with the curtains I recently made for my kids room :)

Hannah said...

I follow you through my reader!

Gayle said...

I really love Christmas stockings made out of wool sweaters - I saw a trunk show once and this gal had made over a dozen of them for her family mixing prints and fussy cutting designs - they were awesome! I'd love to do something like that for my own family one of these days.

I love following your blog and see all the cool stuff that YOU make!

Viola said...

My fav are mittens and I´m dreaming about making the merino sports clothing...-Thanks for the giveaway!

Viola said...

I follow your blog.

stepholiveira said...

My favorite is cashmere lined mittens and hats!

stepholiveira said...

I follow your blog and love all your creative ideas!

Viola said...

I blogged about it: http://violarissasblog.typepad.com/blog/2010/11/resweater-great-giveaway-win-a-funky-sweater-hat.html

Brenda said...

My favorite thing is my mittens. But after following your blog, the list is getting longer!

Brenda said...

I also love following your blog!!

Nike@ChooseToThrive said...

Fav wool repurpose? BAGS!

Nike@ChooseToThrive said...

I follow!

The Sewing Dork said...

I've been coveting a recycled wool blanket... I keep making it in my mind, but never get around to sewing it. Love those cute hats!

nitabug said...

So far, I've only made one thing; a scarf made from felted sweaters combined with cotton fabric; turned out pretty good. I am hoping to make mittens soon, hopefully out of a sky blue felted sweater ( hope to get that color soon/ is hard to find/ hint hint)

nitabug said...

I've only made one thing so far; a scarf; made from felted sweaters mixed with cotton fabrics; turned out pretty good, but I do want to try to make mittens soon!(hopefully in sky blue)

Kristin Saegaert said...

Right now my favorite thing to make with recycled wool sweaters is a quilt. I'm felting the sweaters, cutting them in uniform pieces and sewing them together by hand with a blanket stitch to create a warm handmade quilt for hubby and I! It's taking longer to find the sweaters than to actually do the sewing!

Skyflowerfarms said...

I made my first woolen soakers over 13 years ago and loved them! I also made the sleeping sacks but with overall-type buttoned straps on them. Making a variety of things for the winter, and love your hats the most.

Skyflowerfarms said...

I'm also a big fan and follower of your blog. =]

Carpenters said...

My first recycled wool project were diaper covers for my little ones and they are still my favorite. How cute are those little bottoms in recycled sweater longies. Thanks for the giveaway!

Carpenters said...

I follow your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to be boring and say tote bags - i love em!

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