Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Resweater is on hiatus!

I love blogging, and doing all things Resweater, but I feel like I need a break from schedules (even self imposed ones) for a short time. I will be taking a little break for about 2 weeks, where I will not be posting at all, not even Sweater Sunday. For a week, I may even put my shop on vacation mode for a short time. Please feel free to email me (krisnstevep *at* netzero *dot* com) if you have any questions or anything. I'm still available. I just need a couple of schedule free weeks.


  1. I understand where you are coming from... and after all, it's summer! Go have a relaxing, schedule-free time. And then come back and tell us about your adventures. :)

  2. very good move, and one I am contemplating for myself!! Have fun. let us all know when you are back!!

  3. Thanks for the understanding! I figured since it's summer, and everyone is busy, that most wouldn't mind. I just want to have a clean house & happy kid, so I can be a happy mom, and that will make me a happy Resweater when I return :).

  4. Have fun! We all need a break now and then.

  5. Everyone deserves a vacation! Have fun :)

  6. Happy holidaying/relaxing/whatever you need-ing.

  7. I've had you bookmarked for some time, and today finally came back to visit-bad timing :). But, absolutely I get why you can use a break. I would not have the energy myself to do a wonderful blog like yours every day-but I will keep watching for your return.
