Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's What I've Been Working On Wednesday!

While I was on my hiatus, I bought a little Scamp travel trailer (virtual tour here). I have a feeling that the next few What I've Been Working on Wednesday posts will be all about the things I will be making for it, like a recycled wool throw pillow...

It turned out a little wonky, but it'll be fine for the camper.

I was lucky to find this great fabric at a local garage sale.

It was perfect for making a fitted tablecloth for the camper table!

I bought a lot of it, so I made a fitted tablecloth for our kitchen table too.

The material for the camper curtains is on it's way, and I can't wait to make them!


  1. Ooh, I'm so jealous. I had a small travel trailer up until last year. I didn't pull it anywhere, just used it as an outdoor room. I still miss it. You'll have so much fun with this. Will you be naming it?

  2. Hmm... I hadn't thought about naming it, but that sounds fun! Any suggestions?

  3. How fun! We used to borrow my parents' Trillium trailer (similar to yours) and had many fun adventures in it. I hope you hvae lots of fun trips in yours.

  4. I googled the Trilliam trailers, and they are very similar. I never realized how many different kinds of travel trailers there were until I started looking!

  5. LOVE your Scamp! The shape of it reminds me of a Chiclet. Maybe Chiclet gum isn't even sold anymore, I don't know. You have so many adventures ahead of you!

  6. Posted on Facebook your link for making camp mattresses out of old pillows. Brilliant! Thank you so much for the idea!

  7. Suzanne, It was something someone else had posted on Pinterest that I saw. I borrowed the idea. I'll post pictures of mine next Wednesday, when I am finished with it :).

  8. Omg, I love the camper pillow! My brother and I were out thrifting once, and he bought a vintage plate that said, "God Bless our trailer" :)
